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Scientific Calculators

Scientific calculators for complex number calculations

Ideal for exams, our range of scientific calculators can handle advanced calculations and are suitable for students. With an advanced level of functions, some models up to 240 functions including complex number calculations they provide a reliable and accurate way of calculating algebra. With hard plastic cases available to protect the calculator keys from damage. Available from the best brands in calculator technology including Casio, Sharp, Aurora and our own 5 Star range.

Find a range of calculators within our category including calculator mains adaptors, desktop calculators, and handheld calculators suitable for a range of uses around the home, office or school.

11 products found
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Casio ClassWiz Scientific Calculator Black FX-83GTCW-W-UT
Casio ClassWiz Scientific Calculator Blue FX-83GTCW-BU-W-UT
Casio ClassWiz Scientific Calculator Pink FX-83GTCW-PK-W-UT
Casio ClassWiz Scientific Calculator Grey FX-83GTCW-GY-W-UT
Casio ClassWiz Scientific Calculator Dual Powered Black FX-85GTCW-W-UT
Casio ClassWiz Advanced Scientific Calculator Dual Power FX-991CW-W-UT
Casio FX-85GT CW ClassWiz Scientific Calculator Dual Powered White FX85GTCWWEWUT
HP 10S+ Scientific Calculator HP-10SPLUS/INTBX
HP 300S+ Scientific Calculator HP300SPLUS/INTBX
Sharp Black EL-531XH Scientific Calculator EL531THBWH
Rebell Scientific Calculator 240 Functions SH50523
Total 11 products
Items in stock only
11 products found
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Casio ClassWiz Scientific Calculator Black FX-83GTCW-W-UT
Casio ClassWiz Scientific Calculator Blue FX-83GTCW-BU-W-UT
Casio ClassWiz Scientific Calculator Pink FX-83GTCW-PK-W-UT
Casio ClassWiz Scientific Calculator Grey FX-83GTCW-GY-W-UT
Casio ClassWiz Scientific Calculator Dual Powered Black FX-85GTCW-W-UT
Casio ClassWiz Advanced Scientific Calculator Dual Power FX-991CW-W-UT
Casio FX-85GT CW ClassWiz Scientific Calculator Dual Powered White FX85GTCWWEWUT
HP 10S+ Scientific Calculator HP-10SPLUS/INTBX
HP 300S+ Scientific Calculator HP300SPLUS/INTBX
Sharp Black EL-531XH Scientific Calculator EL531THBWH
Rebell Scientific Calculator 240 Functions SH50523
Total 11 products

Scientific Calculators

Scientific calculators for complex number calculations

Ideal for exams, our range of scientific calculators can handle advanced calculations and are suitable for students. With an advanced level of functions, some models up to 240 functions including complex number calculations they provide a reliable and accurate way of calculating algebra. With hard plastic cases available to protect the calculator keys from damage. Available from the best brands in calculator technology including Casio, Sharp, Aurora and our own 5 Star range.

Find a range of calculators within our category including calculator mains adaptors, desktop calculators, and handheld calculators suitable for a range of uses around the home, office or school.